If I Promise To Reveal To You...

How To Get Paid $1,000, $2000, $5000 or More Every 28th Of The Month For The Rest Of Your Life... Posting Almost Blank Documents On Amazon From Your Phone Or Laptop;

Will You Drop Every Excuse, Overcome Any Challenge That Might Stop You From Joining 1,378 Students Of Mine Already Getting Paid?

Hello internet buddie,

My name is Gbenga Akinwole, but most people call me Hunku Fenga.

For over 9 years, I have been getting paid by Amazon.com every 28th of the month for an easy task I am about to reveal to you.

In fact this was a recent post on twitter talking about my days of little beginning.

First Time of Meeting Me Online?

Incase This Is Your First Time of Meeting Me Online, Here Is What People Have To Say About Me

Let me start with a bold promise to you...

"This will be by far the simplest sustainable online business you will try that is guaranteed to pay you in dollars every month for years to come".

Since 2013, I have been using one of the less popular ways to make money from the internet;

Which is publishing content books on Amazon and getting paid monthly royalties, more like a salary but without working 9 to 5 or any boss yelling at me.

And since 2013, Amazon has never failed to pay me thousands of dollars every month for books I have published over the years.

The Challenge I Faced!

But Here Was The Challenge I Faced Publishing Regular Content Books;

I had to spend gruesome hours researching and typing the content till the blood in my hands dry up,

Sometimes falling asleep while typing on my laptop.

Sometimes I struggle with writer's block.

I'm sure you know writing is not an easy thing to do,

Especially when you have to keep doing it everyday.

As time went by, I got burnt out;

Just the thought of typing on my computer drove me crazy.

Until recently something life changing happened;

Brand New Way To Post Documents On Amazon Easily

I Discovered The Brand New Easier Way To post my documents On Amazon Without The Need To Spend Hours Creating Content

Imagine what it feels like going from spending hours to create a book just to keep the payments coming in everyday.

To spending just few minutes creating some type of special books and still making money from Amazon.

Without stress, without wasting time and till having enough time to do whatever I wanted to do.

Using this brand new method, My income has skyrocketed

Recent Payments Proof From Amazon

These Are Some Recent Payments From Amazon using This Brand New Discovery

Messages From People Using The New Method I Will Be Sharing With You

Here Are Some Images From People Who Have Benefited Using This Brand New Amazon Publishing Income Method

Why Make Life More Complicated Than It Is Already?

Why Make Your Life More Complicated Than It is Already Because You Want To Have Another Source Of Income?

If this is your first time trying your hands in online business, 

You are in luck finding this page because this will save you all the headaches, trials and errors.

But if you have tried some online businesses and failed because the gooroo didn't tell you how difficult the business is,

Trust me I know that feeling;

Here Is An Illustration For You

You are excited and optimistic about a new business you just discovered.

You can't wait to get started,

You even had to deprive yourself of some things just to pay for the training.

Then after getting access to the training and going through it;

You realise you have like a hundred things to learn and money to still spend before you can make your first kobo.

And it looks like you are taken back to your toughest class back in secondary school. (For me, it was calculus and geometry, my brain just couldn't handle it).

You paid for a course to make your life easy but instead its complicating your life the more.

You tried your best but gave up after so many tries without any success; 

You are sad and frustrated!

Because you feel yet another hard earned money of yours and time invested gone down the drain.

You are almost beginning to think maybe online business is not meant for you!

Sounds familiar?

I have been there before so I know how it feels to be in the situation.

Online gooroos will never tell you how difficult the business is and once you pay for the training, you are on your own. 

They won't pick your call anymore because all of a sudden they are too big to attend to you.

But today,

I Will End Your Frustration Today!!!

Which is why I am happy to introduce you to something totally different from what you have tried before.

A brand new method anyone can use to create income of $1000, $2000, $5000 and even more every month for yourself.

One Of The Easiest Way To Make Money Online

Want to know how this Brand New Easy Money Publishing Method of getting paid every month by Amazon came to live and how you can take advantage of it?

My guess is you just nodded YES,

The truth is even though I have been doing Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing business for over 8years,

I didn't know about this type of easy money easy-to-create books until 2020.

Because they didn't become popular until everyone was on lockdown trying to stay alive from Corona Virus Pandemic outbreak.

While everyone was stuck in their homes, people resorted to going to Amazon to order for their books. e.g notebooks, dairies, coloring books for kids, journals etc.

How I Stumbled On This Powerful Easy Way To Keep Getting Paid By Amazon!

Here is how I discovered this easy money, easy-to-create Zero/Low Content books that takes few minutes to create,

But will continue to pay you every month for years to come.

During the lockdown, with so much time on my hand, I decided to publish new content books into my Amazon publishing account.

So I put on my research cap so as to know what type of book to create, I started by checking the Amazon top 100 bestselling books to have an idea.

And right there, I noticed a different type of book appear in the top 100 out of millions of books on Amazon.

It was not the type of content books I was used to seeing on the top 100 book list on Amazon.

I was shocked to my bone marrows because it was a blank notebooks which we call drawing book in Nigeria.

I wanted to believe it was a mistake.

So I delved deeper into research but was even more shocked when I realised some smart publishers were already silently making thousands of dollars every month publishing these types of easy-to-create books.

While I and other people who didn't know these types of books were mumuishly killing ourselves just to publish few content books per months.

Some smart dude was publishing 100s of books every month with few clicks of the buttons and earning thousands of dollars with little effort.

A Nobody Makes $72,142 Using This Easy Method

This Is How Much One Of The guys I Discovered Publishing This "Special Easy Money Books" Made In December 2020,

Ever heard the name Sharwa Before?

Probably not, Sharwa is an Indian guy who speaks bad English;

So what has sharwa the Indian guy you probably don't know got to do with this?

Using this new method I'm talking about, Sharwa was able to make $72,142 in just one single month.

A Road In The Red Sea

Right there; I knew I had discovered the lasting solution to killing myself creating contents books for Amazon.

No more working long hours just to publish a single book.

I'm sure you can guess my excitement after discovering this.

I couldn't wait to explore this new found money spinner.

But first, let me explain what they are to you;

What Are Zero/Low Content Books?

What Are These Special Easy Money, Easy-To-Create Books I'm Talking About? 

They are books people buy to write in for various purposes e.g notebooks, diaries, journals, coloring books etc. which I call the Zero/Low content books.

With so much time on my hand, I socked myself into learning everything I could about creating these types of easy money books.

I Invested in all the courses I could lay my hands on!

In fact one of the mentors I got, charged me $3500 just to teach me his secrets which after so much talking realised I had experience with Amazon business and collected $1000 from me.

I've Tripled My Income In Less Work Time With These Easy To Create Special Doc Types 

Since learning how to create these special types of documents and upload on Amazon,

 I have been able to create more books and upload more books to Amazon while spending less time to create them compared to creating regular books.

This has helped me tripled my income....

Earning Withdrawal Into My GTBank Account

Like most people will ask, is this audio money?

Money they will see but will not be able to touch talk-less of being able to spend.

Below is a screenshot of my amazon earning sitting right in my GTB bank account.

Do You Want To Start Using This Easy Method To Earn Thousands Of Dollars?

My Guess is; You Want To know...

How You Too Can Start Publishing These Easy Money, Easy-To-Create Zero/Low Content Books On Amazon Too Right?

I thought you'd ask that...

After about a year publishing 100s of these types of easy money, easy-to-create zero/low content books on Amazon and growing my income,

Learning and mastering all there is to it,

I decided to shared it with some of my old students who were still doing Amazon publishing the hard way creating content book!

Feedbacks From Some Old Students Of Mine

Here Are Some Of Their Feedbacks After laying Their Hands On The First Version of Training I Created

After sending it to my old students and getting their feedbacks on how to further improve the training;

So that anyone without prior knowledge of what Amazon publishing is can pick up the training, become pro and can easily start getting monthly payments from Amazon.

Or people who are already publishing content books can easily switch or add this easy money easy-to-create zero/low content books to their publishing account so as to skyrocket their monthly income from Amazon.

Combined with the wealth of experience I have acquired doing this Amazon business for over 8 years, making all the mistakes, trying everything till they fail or work;

I created a masterpiece;

Introducing ...

Dollar.Automated.Paycheck Masterclass...

An in-depth, newbie friendly, easy-to-understand online video training anyone can study, become an expert publishing zero/low content books and start raking in $1000, $2000, $5000 and even more every month without getting burnt out!

Here Are Some Of The Secrets You Will Discover Inside New D.A.P Masterclass

  • The Super easy method to start publishing zero/low content notebooks so that you can quickly build your dollar income up to $1000 every month on Amazon Kindle direct publishing platform.
  • The 3 fail-proof steps to follow to go from total novice to a seasoned zero/low content publisher on Amazon raking in thousands of dollars every month working only at your own convenient times.
  • I'll reveal to you different types of easy money, easy-to-create zero/low content books you can create to start getting paid every month by Amazon.
  • 5 super smart research methods I used to sniff out Dollar pumping, profit pulling categories, niche, keywords and topics to publish your zero/low content books.
  • How to design book interiors using the simplest methods and free tools already available on your laptop.
  • Little known website you can download readymade book interiors, edit a little, publish as yours and make as much as you can from it without anyone accusing if stealing their design.
  • One secret website that creates unique book interiors that you can easily make thousands of dollars from with a click few clicks of a button on your laptop.
  • Free method of creating cash pulling, mind-blowing zero/low content book cover without paying a penny
  • Secret hack of creating beautiful book covers than will be better than other covers even if you don't have prior knowledge of graphic design
  • New method to get more exposure for and squeeze out every dollar from every zero/low content book you create.
  • How to open an Amazon publisher’s account for FREE in Nigeria if you don’t already have one without facing any issue.
  • How to withdraw your earning in raw dollars from your Nigerian bank and exchange it for Naira at the highest exchange rate possible.
  • And lots more…

Shinning Reviews About D.A.P. Masterclass 

Here is What Some People Who Have Laid Their Hands On This Brand New Training Called D.A.P Masterclass Have To Say...

How Much Does D.A.P Masterclass Cost?

By now, you should know I'm leaving no stone unturned just to make sure you start getting result as soon as you start putting everything in learn in the masterclass into use.

And if I am to place a value on all the information revealed inside D.A.P masterclass, it wont be less than ₦300,000,

Heck people have paid that to learn a fraction of what you will be learning inside the D.A.P Masterclass.

Below is a proof that I'm not just making this up...

Proof Of Someone Willing To Pay N150,000 For Same Information

Proof Of Him Sending Part Payment 

And Below Is The Proof Of Him Sending Part Payment Which He Later Completed Before I Revealed Anything To Him

But You Won't Pay Close To That, I Promise

So if I price Dollar Automated Paycheck masterclass at ₦300,000, I will be totally justified

But because I know not all fingers are equal, while some people can pay ₦300,000 to get the information I revealed in D.A.P Masterclass,

It might not be comfortable for you right now and many more people.

And I don't want the cost to get this life changing information to be the reason you will leave this page without getting access to the masterclass.

And that's even why you won't be paying (₦300,000) half of what people have paid me for this same information.

So if I price it at one third of what others have paid, you will say Hunku Fenga you don't try right?

But wait before I reveal the actual price you will be getting D.A.P Masterclass.

I want to sweeten the deal for you.

By bribing you ethically with some bonuses that will help you getting started as soon as possible while you are still learning the rope. 

Bonuses Worth Over ₦200,000 For You TODAY

Here are some bonuses worth over ₦200,000 to get you started while you are still learning what works. 

Did I just say over ₦200,000 worth of bonuses?

YES, I did!!

Well that's because that's about how much I paid (combined together and converted to Naira) to lay my hands on these bonuses I will be sharing with you so that you can get started immediately while you are still learning what works.

That's aside from investments I made to learn publishing zero/low content books business itself.

So you probably wondering why I'm going these extra miles for you,

It's because I want to take away every challenge I faced when I started this brand new method of publishing.

Below Are Some the Quick Start Bonuses You Will Be Getting Once You grab DAP Masterclass Today!

Dollar Pulling Keywords, Niches & Topics Vault

You will get an Excel sheet of hot niche ideas to get you start quickly while you get a hang of the research methods…

I have personally been using this myself to create some profitable Zero content books that’s still selling till date…

Real Value - $97 

Ready-Made Interior Bundle

You will get access to some interiors for my bestselling zero content (money tree) books that has pulling in thousands of dollars for me so you wont have to waste time publishing your first set of Dollar pulling zero/low content books

Real Value - $197 

My Money Tree Creating Tools War chest

You will get access to a tested and curated tools list that will help you create your books easier and quicker...

Real Value - $67 

What You Need To Invest To Get Instant Access Plus Bonuses 

How much will you need to invest to Get Instant Access to D.A.P Masterclass plus amazing Quick Start Bonuses Worth Over ₦200,000?

You are probably asking that already...

If you add the real value of D.A.P Masterclass which is ₦300,000 plus over ₦200,000 in bonuses.

That's will be over ₦500,000 in real value for what you will be getting today.

But like I promised I won't be charging anything close to that.

Even though my intention is to make available D.A.P Masterclass for ₦50,000 which I feel is a fair price compared to what others have paid for same information.

I will let the first 50 people who jump on this rare opportunity to get full access to D.A.P Masterclass Plus Bonuses worth over ₦200,000 For Only.


You should be jumping with excitement by now,

Because you can't say Hunku Fenga is wicked and he only wants the rich to get access to his easy money publishing method.

Is A Gun Point At My Head?

In fact at the ridiculously low price of  39,997 , you will probably think someone put a gun to my head to drop the price that low. 

But the truth is far from that.

I'm doing this because I'm so passionate about helping you turn your finance around today; to be able to finally live the life you have always dreamt of.

Proof This Is A Win-Win For You

Which is why I have taken way any excuses for not making the decision to change your finance forever today using the secrets I revealed to you inside DAP masterclass.

By covering you with my Iron clad money back guarantee so that you have absolutely nothing to fear if you are ready to take the bull my the home and take the leap of faith today

I Want To Demonstrate To You How Confident I am About D.A.P Masterclass With our Iron Clad Money Back Guarantee.

That's why we am taking the risk off your shoulder by covering you with A Money back guarantee.


Fully Protected By My 100% Money Back Guarantee.


If, for any reason, you do what I show you inside the DAP masterclass for one year and you still don't get result. just get in touch with my friendly support team and they'll either help you out until you get the results you need or give you full refund after seeing your proof.

How To Get Access To New Dollar Automated Paycheck Masterclass Plus Bonuses

Do not procrastinate because only 50 persons will be accepted at the ridiculous low price

Once 50 persons join, the price will increase to N49,997.


Bank Deposit, Internet/ATM Transfer/Mobile Money etc 

STEP 1: Make a deposit/transfer of N39,997 into;

Bank: Guaranty Trust Bank PLC (GTB)
Account Name: Gbenga Akinwole.
Account No: 003-396-7685


Bank: Access Bank
Account Name: Gbenga Akinwole.
Account No: 068-995-8067

STEP 2: After payment, send an email message (not text message. Not phone call please!), containing YOUR NAME, EMAIL, PHONE NUMBER and date of payment to 
[email protected] or [email protected] 

With the title "NEW D.A.P. Masterclass + Bonuses"

As soon as we confirm your payment, I will reply your email with what to do next.


SECURED ATM Card Payment 

You can secure your registration into Zero Content Royalty ONLINE anytime of the day, Even At 12 Midnight with your ATM card. Secure Order Form - 100% Protected Safe & CBN Approved. 

Upon successful payment, you'll be redirected to success page with further information.

See What Sam Has To Say

If You Act Today, I Have This Extra Gift For YOU

Here Is Extra Reasons For You To Get DAP Masterclass Today Because Tomorrow Might Be Late

Like I said many times on this page,

I want to take away every reason for not joining the masterclass today.

And that is why I have gone beyond and under to add these life changing additional bonuses that you cannot get anywhere else.

Passive Income Machine Masterclass Version 1

How to publish content books to balance your KDP account for people who love writing.

Discounted Selling Price  - N25,000

The Exact Course Created By My $72,142 A Month Mentor

Exact Proven Step-By-Step Blueprint For Starting & Scaling A Profitable Publishing Business

Real Info Value - $199

Learn And Earn With Graphics Design

The training shows you how to make thousands of naira online with graphics skills.

Real Info Value – N50,000

"Dollars Advantage" "How To make some dollars"
Monetize Your Kindle Business Skills

Other ways to start making money online with the skills you learn doing Kindle Business.

Real Info Value - $67

Below Is The Total Of What You Will Be Getting If You Take Action Today

With the easiest online business model like Zero/Low content Amazon kindle publishing guaranteed to make you a $1000 or more every month without creating long boring content or paying money to write.

No website design, no product sourcing, no traffic generation wahala, or marku azuberkberg banning.

You have no limit to how much you can publish meaning no limit to how much you can make from the business.

Here is The Total Value You'll Get If You Take Action Today.

  • D.A.P Masterclass  (₦300,000 Value)
  • Quick start Bonuses (200,000 Value)
  • Extra Added Bonuses                                
  • Passive Income Machine Masterclass Version 1 ₦25,000 Discount Value)
  • Learn And Earn With Graphic Design ( 50,000 Value)
  • Learn To Monetize Your Kindle Business Skills ( 42,880 Value)

Total Value : (₦617,880)

But you get to only invest N39,997 Today and get total access

So there you go. No excuses!

Considering all you will be getting once you sign up for DAP Masterclass.

If you are serious with changing your finance, by now you should be happy you have nothing to worry about because I have given you our words.

What's left is if you will be willing to take the bold step that is required for your next level or you will chicken out.

But I know you are smart and will make the right decision that is guaranteed to lead to your financial freedom and independence when you access DAP Masterclass today.

Time Is Of The Essence!

Once we have 50 People access the DAP Masterclass, the price will go to the original price I intend to sell it which is N50,000.

So taking action right now guarantees you get DAP at N39,997 and access to the Quick start bonuses plus the extra reason bonuses,

So the ball is in your court...

Will you pony up the investment and join the 50 persons that are taking the leap to change their finance or continue to buy the next shinning product promising heaven and earth without result?

Like I said, The ball is in your court, will you play it and score a life changing goal where you will celebrated.


Click the button below to join the 50 lucky persons that will get access to DAP masterclass that's guarantee to change your income and your life.

Gbenga (Hunku Fenga) Akinwole

C.E.O Lodrif Publishing


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