3 New Businesses You Can Do That Will Make Your Present Income Feel Like Pocket Change, Pay All Your Bills, Debts And You Still have Enough Money To Spend On Vacations Like My Recent Dubai Vacation!!!

2 Of The Businesses Requires No Capital To Start At All!

Hello Friend.

You'll agree with me; times are hard!!!.

8 in 10 Nigerians have something to complain about, 

If its no job availability, businesses struggling to get sales, or months of unpaid salaries,

Its the (almost) total collapse of the economy, no light, no fuel and bad governance.

All these are contributing to frustration every Nigerian is experiencing.

But despite all these frustration in Nigeria.

Truth is; some people hardly feel This Hardship In the Country! 

Oh no, I'm not talking about children of politicians and looters.

I'm talking about regular Nigerians like you!

So what are they doing different you might wonder?

Its simple; they have income sources that helps cushion the effect of what every average Nigerian is experiencing.

I can comfortably say I am one of few people whose business decisions has helped him live a good life despite the hardship in the country.

This is by no means bragging,

Stick with me because I am saying this to help you realise if you don't take matters into your hands, nothing will change in your finance.

If you keep making excuses, you will be on the same spot and nothing will improve.

Back to what I was saying about me...

Despite the presence hardship in Nigeria, I was able to secure my second home in a beautiful estate in Abuja while still maintaining my place in Lagos.

And just recently, I was able to go on vacation in Dubai.

Pictures From My Recent Vacation In Dubai

Before you think this page was built just to gloat or brag,

That's far from it.

Its just to proof to you that the businesses I am about to share with you can change your life just like it has changed mine and some smart Nigerians like me.

So what new business was I referring to that has help me and others feel less of the hardship in the country?

I am simply telling you all these because despite Nigeria being hard, there are businesses that will put thousands if not millions in your bank account every month.

The mind-blowing thing is these businesses I will be sharing with you are easy to start, you can do them in spare time while you are home.

And some of the business requires no capital to start them.

And the one that requires capital is so little you can start with 3,500.

If I am to read your mind like Magician Professor Peller.

You are probably wondering what businesses am I talking about.

Without wasting your precious time, lets get right into it.

3 Easy To Start Online Businesses That Will Exempt You From Sapa In Nigeria

Business #1 - I Call this Posting Of Hybrid Books On The Internet.

During my vacation in Dubai, while resting my head on the 19th floor closer to my maker at TRYP by Wyndham in Barsha Heights.

An idea came to my head to go through Amazon (the biggest online bookstore/ecommerce website) to see what was working aside what I was doing already.

Basically I was checking for new angles to make money from Amazon.

This was when I came across a totally new type of books I call the Hybrid books.

So why do I call them the hybrid books?

Hybrid books are books with just questions for people to answer just like in the image above.  

The crazy thing about this type of book is you can get the questions easily with a simple search on google.

Which makes them extremely easy to create.

In fact one of my old students is already using it to cash out big on Amazon. here is the email and screenshot of his account he sent to me.

The sweet thing is that most of the income came in towards last year ending when he discovered this type of books. 

Business #2 - Get Paid $10 For 10 minutes Of Your Time Telling Business Owner If their Website Sucks Or Not.

Business #3 - Use Compounding To Grow As Little As 3500 into 10,000,000 in one year

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