The Secret of Bestselling Authors Finally Declassified...

The Exact Step By Step Blueprint Of Creating International-Standard Bestselling Books That Sells Thousands Of Copies Even If Its Your First Time And No One Knows You Yet !

Here is the brutal truth...

Almost everyone wants to write a book, but very few eventually successfully do,

90% of people who try to write a book or self publish get frustrated in the end.

  • ... some start and never finish because they don't have a successful blueprint to follow.
  • ... some do trial and error and it takes them years to finish a book they are not proud of.
  • while some write and after completing it, it seems no one is interested in the book so they end up giving majority away. (some with good content)

In fact some people still have bundles of their old books in their room gathering dust.

I'm sure you know one or two people who fall into one or more of the categories I describe above, 

Maybe you too have experienced it.

To be honest,

Most successful book writers or authors you know and love have gone through one of this unforgettable stages.

But how do you become one of the few 10% who knows exactly what to do create a bestselling book at a lighting speed even if no one knows you...

Before I go further, allow me to properly introduce myself.

Gbenga akinwole

CEO  // Lodrif Publishing

Hello Intending bestselling author,

My name is Gbenga Akinwole,

But Most people call me Hunku Fenga.

I am the CEO of Lodrif Publishing, a book publishing company that has helped 100's of Nigerian authors publish their book into bestselling status.

Below Are Some Of Our Client's Job On Google Through Amazon Bookstore

Aside from helping others publish their books and giving the best possible chance to becoming a bestseller.

I have personally written and published over 50 books both locally and internationally using different pen names. 

Below is one of my numerous books who sold thousands of copies in Nigeria.

While Some Of My Books Under Different Pen Names Are Selling In The International Market On A Monthly Basis Till Date

Even though I have also sold 1000s internationally under different pen names earning my royalties in foreign currency since 2013.

I won't be surprise if you have never heard of me...That's because I prefer to be under the
radar until now.

But why did I decide to come out of my comfort zone?

Why I decided To Come Out My Comfort Zone And Speak Up (soro soke)

Of late I have been seeing lot of inexperienced people calming to be guru giving the writing and publishing business a bad name;

By selling total garbage to people who want to get into write a book and impact lives with their messages.

This got me really angry...But instead of continue to rant and do nothing.

I decided to come out of my comfort zone and share exactly the secret of bestselling authors like me and others I have worked with.

The exact step by step blueprint...

I have used to create multiple bestselling books for myself and helped hundreds of writers become bestselling authors.

Into a online video program titled...

The Bestselling Authors Writing Secret (B.A.W.S) Blueprint

Below Are Some Secrets Revealed Inside B.A.W.S Blueprint

  • The Secret of Choosing Topics To write on that gives your books a chance to succeed..
  • 3 methods of validating ideas before you commit to creating the book.
  • The secret of creating an international standard book even if its your first time... "The Dump Secret".
  • How to create powerful chapters that will make people want to read your book simply by looking at your outline..
  • Only inexperienced writers deal with writers block...The exact secret bestselling author use to beat writers block every time...No its not outsourcing..
  • The speed writing secret used by multiple bestselling author to churn out numbers of books in a year while amateurs are still struggling with one book.
  • The art of giving your book a name that will automatically sell it in 5 seconds, this alone account for over 30% why books fail to sell.
  • How to create book cover designs that shines like a sun during the day and a star at night.
  • The little known "dead on arrival book covers" characteristics ; what they are how to avoid them for your book.
  • Why you should never joke with your book description and how to craft your book description that will make potential reader drolling to read it.
  • How to prepare your book for massive sales even before you finish writing.
  • And lot more...

By now, you should know you are in for a treat and whatever you invest to get the program is definitely worth every kobo.

And for once you can boldly say you are a bestselling author in waiting because you have in your hands the exact blueprint that will make you a bestselling author.

That Is Not All You Will Be Getting When You Access B.A.W.S Blueprint Today

Because I want to bribe you silly and make your investment into the B.A.W.S Blueprint the best deal you can get;

I am adding some mouth-watering bonuses that will make any serious potential author pull out their wallet and grab a copy of B.A.W.S Blueprint.

You Will Also Get These Bonuses I Invested Heavily Into At No Extra Cost

Bonus 1 - Passive Income Machine Masterclass Free Video Presentation 

Free Video presentation reveals how to get published Internationals as a Nigerian author and get your royalties every month In Foreign Currencies.

Bonus 2 - Book Launch & Published

Book launch reveals how to write, market & publish your first bestseller in three Months or less and use it to start and Grow a Six Figure Business, While Published which reveals the proven path from blank page to published author.

Bonus 3 - Tell Your Story to the World & Sell It for Millions

Part I of Tell Your Story to the World & Sell It for Millions is a step-by-step guide for writing your own top-notch page-turner. Part II teaches you the cutthroat publishing and Hollywood ropes so you, too, can achieve commercial success and join the ranks of writers making seven, eight, and nine figures annually.

Bonus 4 - Bestsellers Checklist Full Pack

These difference well put together checklists will guide you as you go along the journey to mastering the process of creating a bestselling book without forgetting anything that needs to be done.

Total actual value it cost me to lay my hands on all you will be getting today alone is N50,000

But wait, you won't be paying anything close to that; because I want to be part of your success story.

I want to write a book in future and write about Gbenga Akinwole being the person that revealed the missing piece to you.

Plus I want to take away any excuse you might be thinking in your head for leaving this page without getting access to the B.A.W.S Blueprint

So Instead of paying anything close to the real value I paid for all you will be getting in the program.

You will only need invest ....

N4,997 Only

How To Order For B.A.W.S Blueprint

Discount price Only For first 20 people!


 Bank Deposit, Internet/ATMTransfer

  • Make a deposit/transfer of N4,997 into;
    Bank: Guaranty Trust Bank PLC (GTB)
    Account Name: Lodrif Internationals.
    Account No: 011-693-7079
  • After payment, send an email message (not text message. Not phone call please!), containing YOUR NAME, EMAIL, PHONE NUMBER and date of payment to
  • With the title "Paid For B.A.W.S Blueprint"
  • As soon as we confirm your payment, we will get back to you with details of your access.


 SECURED Online Payment 

Works Anytime, Even At 12 Midnight. Secure Order Form - 100% Protected Safe & CBN Approved. You Get Access INSTANTLY. No Waiting Whatsoever!

Upon successful payment, you'll be redirected to the page where you fill in your details.

Here Is What Few people I Have Worked With Have To Say About Me

Sanmi Adams My first book was a total flop but I was introduced to Lodrif Publushing owned by Mr. Gbenga by a friend who told me he could help me fix my author's problem, From our first time of talking it was clear why my book flopped. We reworked on the book together and now the book is very much accepted.


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Pastor Dele Akinbo Mr Gbenga's knowledge about creating a bestselling book is second to none, I can vouch for him anywhere anytime, because I have seen him work with numerous authors who went on to become bestsellers with Nigeria and Outside Nigeria.


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I want you to know you have absolutely nothing to worry about...

Aside from making the B.A.W.S Blueprint dirt cheap at the cost of a bowl of ice cream at coldstone or a bowl of chicken at KFC.

This program is nothing like what you have gotten before and didn't get any real value.

That's why I am taking the risk off your shoulder by covering you with A Money back guarantee.


Fully Backed by my 100% Risk-Free Guarantee



Money back

Get access to this program, use it for 60days which is enough time to put the information to the test,and see if the information is life-changing and if not, simply send me an email asking for a full refund.

I will refund you and still apologise for wasting your precious time.

But that has never happened before because I always over deliver on my promise. and I can bet you will write me a good testimonial like the few out of the hundreds I received monthly for sharing these secrets with them..


If I had gotten the Bestselling author writing blueprint, I won't have wasted over N250,000 on a book that didn't sell, I didn't know what I know now through Mr. Gbenga's Blueprint. I am sure I will do much better with my next book.

Fola Nathaniel Writer And Researcher.


Worth every penny I paid to get this training I must say. I have bought different products but bestselling authors writing blueprint shows that the creator Hunky Fenga actually practice what he is teaching. 

Emmanuel Akpabio Author

Still on the fence?

Ready to become a bestselling author following a time tested blueprint like everything inside B.A.W.S Blueprint or want to continue to waste your time and money not knowing the right steps to take.

Well I know you will prefer to become a bestselling author without all the stress.

But you have to make the decision now because I will be letting only 100 people have this program before pulling it down.

Get Access to B.A.W.S Blueprint now.

To your success

Gbenga (Hunku Fenga) Akinwole

C.E.O Lodrif Publishing


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